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Of age in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+7Posted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: so farsofaall of aa bit of aprofanein so far asprofanedbest of allMeaning: adj. having attained a specific age; (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable). 
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121 Mozart's music came of age when the baroque style was at its height.
122 Behavioural problems at 3-4 years of age have also been associated with maternal depression, both concurrent and postnatal.
123 Clinic measurements of children under 2 years of age tended to show length to be shorter than actual. 3.
124 Full Open Driving cover for drivers over 25 and under 70 years of age with a full licence for 12 months.
125 It was a magical evening of pure nostalgia enjoyed by an audience from nine to 90 years of age.
126 He proposed a regency council to uphold the validity of Frederick's election until the heir should come of age.
127 A random sample of households is chosen and every individual 16 years of age and older is interviewed.
128 At 88 years of age, Andrew Rome was again the oldest person present.
129 Failure to select a suitable candidate because of age is often a covert form of racial and gender discrimination.
130 Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age.
131 Would any direct action stem from promptings of age or gender?
132 Growth in the size of the legal profession occurred during the time when consumer movements were coming of age.
133 But the real distinction to be made is not of age or costume: There are two kinds of birders.
134 The popularity of these cars signals the coming of age of the Korean auto industry.
135 Their spontaneous coinages appear from as young as one-and-a-half to two years of age.
136 There were no hepatic fatalities in the United States in patients over 10 years of age on monotherapy.
137 Fitted bedroom furniture is particularly popular around the 35 years of age group.
138 The monument itself was in a poor state of repair and suffering the effects of age.
139 Seven of nine patients over 60 years of age have had a successful outcome.
140 This generation had come of age working on practical issues of feminism, pacifism, civil rights, and environmentalism.
141 The proper role of age in clinical decision-making is controversial.
142 We attribute our low rate of false positivity to the use of age matched controls.
143 The personal community charge is paid by all resident adults over 18 years of age with certain exceptions.
144 The major cost of age discrimination is economic dependency,( the most extreme form of which is poverty.
145 Comparison of age adjusted and fully adjusted rate ratios, however, were based only on subjects with no missing data.
146 Some will eventually feel the loneliness as passage, as the rending of the familiar that is part of coming of age.
147 Congenital syphilis is arbitrarily divided into early and late stages with the dividing line at two years of age.
148 There are two prizes for veterans, that is over forty years of age.
149 Duroc had had to come of age and replace the older Duroc in the service of Nguyen Seth.
150 In short, nowhere illustrates better than Mississippi the coming of age of the Republican Party in the South.
More similar words: so farsofaall of aa bit of aprofanein so far asprofanedbest of allnot much of afirst of allprofanityipso factoall of a suddenat the drop of a hatjack of all tradesstate of affairsbill of attainderfreedom of assemblyagecageragewagepageNew Agestageimageeageragentoutageoutrage
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